Typewriter music

 昨日は近くの高校でやっていたブラスバンドの野外コンサートに行ってきました。シンプルなもので、高校の駐車場にブラスバンドが揃って演奏するというもの、観客はめいめいにFolding Chairを持参して行き、好きなところに座って鑑賞するというものでした。


We enjoyed music concert at local high school yesterday. It was so beautiful day and we enjoyed their performance. In the concert, they performed typewriter music which is exactly same performance as what I attached above. Although they were using recorded sound for typewriter sound, they played background music. It was fun.

We brought pasta which Tm prepared for supper. We took supper there while they were performing. Yu was enjoying music a lot. Hope we can make something similar again this summer.

Yu and Tm found that deers family were walking around the high school. At least 5 deers were there. There must be large forest around the high school area. We enjoyed watching deers after the concert.